Firstly,ignore all the snide comments.You get a lot of it on here and its uncalled for.
Some people on here make out that you can only ask questions on here if you have years of experience and a shed load of qualifications. My opinion is that if you have to ask a question its because you don't know the answer and you have come here to pick everyone's brains.
Anyway onto your question.It does sound like something is still plugged in.An outside pond? Outside lights off a spur?
A surge protector adaptor can give very weird results.Also if you still have an rcd in circuit then it can affect the spur off the house sockets but ending in an rcd in the garage.
Have you isolated the boiler?
Failing all this it sounds like you might have water under the floor and a joint box is sat in it or damp behind one of the sockets.Look for damp walls where there is a socket and take it off to look behind.As the good advice from previous posters,you need to split the ring and go from there. Good luck and come back to let us know if you find it.