Cant get my head round this 
I understand N-E faults cause RCD's to trip, but I cant understand why on these 2 occasions, googled allover but no real answer. I have 2 intermittent faults on the go, one Dual RCD board, one split load, 1 RCD.
Dual 2 RCD
Occasionally the left RCD trips when load is used on right, not a new install, no alterations and no crossed neutrals as far as I'm aware (assume this would have caused issues on board install if crossed neutrals day 1). Both RCD tests done and working fine .
Split load 1 RCD
Intermittent RCD tripping, seems to be when turning oven off (oven fed from non RCD side of board)
Any explanations appreciated.

I understand N-E faults cause RCD's to trip, but I cant understand why on these 2 occasions, googled allover but no real answer. I have 2 intermittent faults on the go, one Dual RCD board, one split load, 1 RCD.
Dual 2 RCD
Occasionally the left RCD trips when load is used on right, not a new install, no alterations and no crossed neutrals as far as I'm aware (assume this would have caused issues on board install if crossed neutrals day 1). Both RCD tests done and working fine .
Split load 1 RCD
Intermittent RCD tripping, seems to be when turning oven off (oven fed from non RCD side of board)
Any explanations appreciated.