hello telectrix, if the linking L and N together and then testing to earth is an acceptable method of IR testing, why do you say that ideally the IR testing should be done before the transformers are connected?
similarly, guitarist said " disconnect them all and test the cable properly"
i'm struggling with how a test which is acceptable is also not proper or not ideal
The "limited" test is available where full testing is completely impracticle. For example, to test a warehouse full of hi-bay lighting which would take not only a very long time, but would be very costly to hire in specialist equipment and disconnect every unit, would be considered impracticle. Spending a couple of hours in a domestic situation would really just be part of the job imo. If you, as the tester, can justify why you didn't carry out full testing, then that's up to you.
We can only advise as we see the situation, and we do so free of charge. If you want definitive answers, and for us to take responsibility for your work, then we can always put down our paypal account numbers and you guys can pay us a nice consultation fee