This is kind of electrical, so I hope it's ok in this section. Apologies @westward10 if not, I'm sure it will be moved very quickly
My laptop has had it's day. There is such a huge range of laptops out there that I am getting overloaded. Also, I don't understand half of the spec. AMD athlov vs ryzen 7 ??!! Intel i3??!! No idea which is better or what it really means.
basically, I want a laptop that can handle web browsing and writing up certificates on a pdf, that's it. Is this reasonably priced laptop worth buying...$ja=tsid:59157|acid:804-627-9544|cid:20264799336|agid:|tid:|crid:|nw:x|rnd:7182686531165566896|dvc:c|adp:|mt:|loc:9045578&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20264799336&utm_term=3110973&utm_content=shopping&utm_custom1=&utm_custom2=804-627-9544&GPDP=true&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtamlBhD3ARIsAARoaExC4aiXOoZ8bgZUUybTpf7DNMZOS_DaXRiSWabRqGsoNRbA9fB9moAaAs26EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Thanks all.
My laptop has had it's day. There is such a huge range of laptops out there that I am getting overloaded. Also, I don't understand half of the spec. AMD athlov vs ryzen 7 ??!! Intel i3??!! No idea which is better or what it really means.
basically, I want a laptop that can handle web browsing and writing up certificates on a pdf, that's it. Is this reasonably priced laptop worth buying...$ja=tsid:59157|acid:804-627-9544|cid:20264799336|agid:|tid:|crid:|nw:x|rnd:7182686531165566896|dvc:c|adp:|mt:|loc:9045578&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20264799336&utm_term=3110973&utm_content=shopping&utm_custom1=&utm_custom2=804-627-9544&GPDP=true&gclid=Cj0KCQjwtamlBhD3ARIsAARoaExC4aiXOoZ8bgZUUybTpf7DNMZOS_DaXRiSWabRqGsoNRbA9fB9moAaAs26EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Thanks all.