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Is there anybody out there?

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Morning fellow sparks,

Just touching base, always read these forums but never signed up, but I guess I'm here now :)

S Wales based.
Welcome butty, I'm from S wales as well, moved to Cornwall about 20 odd years ago, Guess we all make mistakes :)
Welcome butty, I'm from S wales as well, moved to Cornwall about 20 odd years ago, Guess we all make mistakes :)
The only mistake you made was not moving far enough north. :p
The boring old fart that I am, I'm off to Wales for my holiday this year to walk part of Offas Dyke.
Really looking forward to it. Will I need a translator or do enough of the natives speak a bit of English?
The only mistake you made was not moving far enough north. :p
The boring old fart that I am, I'm off to Wales for my holiday this year to walk part of Offas Dyke.
Really looking forward to it. Will I need a translator or do enough of the natives speak a bit of English?
I think there is at least one person that speaks English sat on the wall as you enter each village.
Wearing a hat and usually chewing a piece of barley.

Clawdd Offa :)

The only mistake you made was not moving far enough north. :p
The boring old fart that I am, I'm off to Wales for my holiday this year to walk part of Offas Dyke.
Really looking forward to it. Will I need a translator or do enough of the natives speak a bit of English?
As long as you can speak a bit of Scouse... you'll be fine.
Ah a fellow sheep sha&&er, welcome aboard
Hi and Welcome to the forum! Has Summer started there yet?
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