Over the past 2 weeks I've had a plumber drilling into a 4mm rmf, Tuesday a home owner putting a picture nail into a 2.5mm rmf and this evening a plasterer putting a 4 inch fixing screw into a sw feed/sw live!
Whoops . He tried to cover it up but was found out when the elderly couple noticed that the kitchen light would not turn off. Pity I didn't take a photo of his nice new ceiling after I finished with it trying to find the fault and replacing the switch wire. Home owner is giving him a call in the morning to tell him to come back and patch up what I've done (saves me doing it) and also show him my bill which is more than what he charged to do the job in the first place! Oh well, I wonder what other tradesmen will give me more work next week? Seem to be getting this type of call out quite often recently.