When I was an apprentice for HOW ENGINEERING they tried it all, Long waits, Tarten paint, Clean earths, and so on and so on. Every time they tried it on I'd tell e'm to "F*** **f and yeah yeah alright"
Well one day working with Johnny bragger, Keith dowsey and a couple of others, we had a rush job on, and when I say rush job I mean it was Friday and we had a job and knock.
Johnny was a bit peed off coz I was a first year apprentice and couldn't really help. He snaps at me to get him a set of FOOTPRINTS out of his tool bag.
Footprints 'I thought' yeah allright I aint falling for that one, footprint indeed.
So I done what any 16 year old with a very small chip on their shoulder would do.
I showed him the finger and told him where to get off.
Why has he gone red?
Oh poo.....
Yep I now how footprints got their name.
Johnny gripped me by the scruff of my scrawny kneck and left a footprint on my arse.
Hence the name Footprint grips.
ok I didn't name e'm but I ain't ever gonna forget e'm either.