the actual testing was done by the likes of me going in after the job was completed
so you sign off other peoples work after they have put floor boards down,left an unqualified mate do alot of the work .no mention of cable calculations do you check this on inspection or has it been done before hand? are the householders left with unchecked work until it is inspected?
No I didn't sign off anybodys work
My own standards of installation, methods of work, test and inspection and general compliance with regulations and requirements are not to be confused with other companies that I did work for,my own work ie Test and inspection was done dilligently and correctly
I did what I did on all types of installations, where people were/are engaged to design, others to construct and others to test installations
I was not an employee,I was engaged on a price to do as I said,to visit these properties,some times weeks or months after the installation
The companies own qualifying supervisor would oversign all certificates carried out by their own employeees
That was the way it was done,it probably still is the way its done by many house bashing firms
I was not engaged to make judgement on the Niceic system that these firms operate under,
I was not responsible for any standards of work or otherwise,I was there to gather circuit values,quantities installed, and compliance with the regs and was paid accordingly
I have seen this Niceic Qs system used in the past and still being used and abused
I am and was at the time,completely opposed to the Niceic and the methods employed by their registered companies,ie, using what was a large construction system for small scale domestic work,more so now with the Qs system shockingly being used for domestic installer companies
Finally to answer your last point
are the householders left with unchecked work until it is inspected?
I did say that the bang test was usual and the answer to you is, a resounding YES they were, and the systems probably still perpetuates
Do not for one moment confuse my involvement with these firms with my own training,,experience or personal standards,they are two different animals
The question was how cheap wiring contracts can be done and the methods used,
I used my own knopwlege to answer that querie