You must have one of those rubbish solar pv systems installed then ;-)
You must have one of those rubbish solar pv systems installed then ;-)
The whole green energy business is full of speculative sharks and cowboys. It is at the point where some companies are looking for fields and approaching the DNO's to find out what the capacity of the distribution network is at that point and how much generation they can fit. They are then approaching the landowner and promising huge unrealistic returns on their substantial investment. I for one cannot wait until the government screws the tarriffs down and the sharks and cowboys disappear back to where they came from. It is high time this bubble burst.
Yes appalling, If I were his next door neighbour I would be trying to get it removed from my side of the fence LOLAnyway, did you see that overhang on that PV install?
He must have those Chinese micky mouse panels (you try pronouncing name)
Sanyo are good and generate what they are rated at.
......i think a randomly chosen "lucky dip" panel has almost as much chance of performing well as a carefully chosen panel......
Not sure if it's a sign of insanity FB. but you're arguing with yourself in your last post