I'm a first time poster and someone with only a little electrical knowledge. I am certainly not an electrician. So why am i posting here? Well, i / we looking at starting up a new business and one of the pieces of equipment that we're looking to have installed is a bloody big furnace. My various googling brought me in here so i thought i'd try my luck!
We are currently putting together the business plan and costings involved. One of the problems we have come across is finding an industrial unit with what i think is the required incoming power supply. I stress the "i think" part.
This bloody big furnace has a 900kW heater and 2x280kW blowers (1460kW). If my reading has been in any way shape or form accurate then we'd be looking at having a supply in the region of ~1700kVA allowing for a power factor of 0.85 to get this bad boy started. My assumption is that once running and at operating temp the power requirements would drop considerably. Currently we can't find any units with even a quarter of that. Plus all the other electrical equipment we'd have installed.
Can we really be looking at a supply in that order of magnitude, and do they even exist without being installed to order at massive cost?? I've requested more accurate power requirements from the manufacturer of the furnace but no luck so far.
I suppose at this point i should give the masses the opportunity to tell me to sod off and stop polluting the board with my rubbish!! I won't be offended, i recognise this is a one way flow of information as i have nothing to contribute to the board!
Thanks (?) in advance,