Well I'm fed up with the appalling value for money I'm getting with the NIC. This year I've done one domestic job (that I would have been better off without!) and electrical work now makes up less than 10% of the work I do. It's just not worth £500 and a wasted day off work each year for the visit, plus time preparing all the H&S rubbish so he can tick his boxes.
I'm paid up already of course for this year (to April), but haven't yet received word on this years assessment visit. If I'm to leave then I'm not messing around with the assessment in the meantime, so am wondering how to proceed. I obviously don't want to inform them of my intentions until I know what the options are.
I'm guessing from their reputation a partial refund for the rest of the year is out of the question if I cancel mid term, so is the best option to tell the assessor I'm leaving in April and so won't be doing the annual assessment, or will I need to string them along instead and keep moving the date to not breach any of their rules? Ideally I might as well keep the membership and ability to use the certs etc until April as I've paid for it.
Anyone done this? Or got any input?
I'm paid up already of course for this year (to April), but haven't yet received word on this years assessment visit. If I'm to leave then I'm not messing around with the assessment in the meantime, so am wondering how to proceed. I obviously don't want to inform them of my intentions until I know what the options are.
I'm guessing from their reputation a partial refund for the rest of the year is out of the question if I cancel mid term, so is the best option to tell the assessor I'm leaving in April and so won't be doing the annual assessment, or will I need to string them along instead and keep moving the date to not breach any of their rules? Ideally I might as well keep the membership and ability to use the certs etc until April as I've paid for it.
Anyone done this? Or got any input?