After measuring voltages both by analogue and digital tracking across the main incoming bus bars and seeing as much as a 20v drop from only 4 or 5 amps of load, flagged it to the DNO who came out last week, looked at their connections, HV fuses etc and went away to arrange for an engineer to fit a quality analyser for a week so that they could look at it.
Today though, an inspection team arrived to do a pre-visit for changing the pole transformer at their cost - hurrah! I'd been under the impression that it was a 16Kva set, but they told me it was only a 5! So that explains a lot, and the calculated diversity on the installation is something like 220A due to a heat pump and private water treatment works. Anyway, they're going to fit a 25Kva at no charge (and change the 80A to 100A). Have to say, I like Western Power as my area DNO, they're really great to work with.
After measuring voltages both by analogue and digital tracking across the main incoming bus bars and seeing as much as a 20v drop from only 4 or 5 amps of load, flagged it to the DNO who came out last week, looked at their connections, HV fuses etc and went away to arrange for an engineer to fit a quality analyser for a week so that they could look at it.
Today though, an inspection team arrived to do a pre-visit for changing the pole transformer at their cost - hurrah! I'd been under the impression that it was a 16Kva set, but they told me it was only a 5! So that explains a lot, and the calculated diversity on the installation is something like 220A due to a heat pump and private water treatment works. Anyway, they're going to fit a 25Kva at no charge (and change the 80A to 100A). Have to say, I like Western Power as my area DNO, they're really great to work with.