Hello my name is Jon.I recently plugged in a power tool in the garage .it shorted out a whole line of outlets . Its a total of 7 outlets on the line including a double outlet.I changed all .I changed the circuit breaker as well . Some say ok on a reader and some no ground but still no power on all.I followed the line throughout the basement all looks good. In the crawl space just before the first outlet in the line .I have a junction with a line going to the first 3 outlets (cgfi)on one side of the fire place then another line going from same box over to the other side of the fire place . The second line includes the double outlet and the last in line. my question is did I need to hook it up a certain way in the line .such as bottom to top etc on the outlets? .I feel I'm close and have not gone back to it .just stumped here .I may have just missed something something .as far as a hook up order . I plan on opening all again and start at the beginning and work my way around I have also changed all outlets to regular outlets so they are all new(no cgfi) . I have enclosed a hopefully helpful diagram. Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance.