I'm afraid you're going to have to deliver suggestions in laymens terms, most of the forum staff including the owner aren't very clued up on these systems.
Are you proposing a 'renewable heat' sub forum? What systems exactly would 'renwable heat' encompass?
When you say heat lounge are you meaning a second limited, trade only access, lounge? Could the existing sun-lounge not be rebadged to cover this need?
As I warned, I'm pretty lame when it comes to renewable technologies so I have some questions, are systems such as heat-pump water heaters and solar thermal water heaters separate systems or do you get hybrid systems that could consist of ST, heat-pump and maybe even bio-mass all rolled into one package?
Thanks for your interest and comments.
Others have very much covered your questions. Renewable heat needs to cover space heating and water heating. Reason for mentioning the split is Solar Thermal is mainly water heating in the UK (although there are some ongoing developments with space heating) and the other technologies are primarily space heating with the addition of water heating. You do get technologies used in conjunction with one another, often referred to as bi-valency. Most commonly this is solar thermal in conjunction with another technology. This is recognised in the very soon to be announced Renewable Heat Incentive.
Inclusion in the Sun Lounge of Professionals from other technologies could be a way forward.
Despite what others may think, including Her Majesty's Government, this is a growth area with widespread public support. The help and advice available on this forum assists in raising standards and providing consumers with examples of best practice. As more businesses move in to the renewable heat sector, this will be more important than ever.