Have been reluctantly roped into checking out a job for someone, more as a favour. It’s a hall that is used every week but not every day. Basically one of the three main fuses has blown twice now so I’m told. It’s a 3 phase supply each with a 63A fuse. The fuse is housed in one of those old 3 phase isolator switches with the big handles, it then from there supplies a 3 phase heating contactor then from there one of the three consumer units. Now the consumer unit that it’s affecting supplies roughly about 20 under seat heaters & two wall heaters. All the heaters under the seats are switched off/on by a 13A fused spur & the two wall heaters are on 20A DP switches. Basically the caretaker noticed the fuse had blown so he replaced it & everything seemed to be working for a few days, went back & it had blown again. No MCB’s in the consumer unit had tripped, these are all type C’s though. I went a quick look last night & did IR’s to all the circuits which all came back >299 on eveything. None of the fuses for the heaters have blown, just the main 63A. Put a fuse in today & hey presto it’s all working again...for now. What could be causing this? Contactor? Loose connection on circuit? I’ve left the circuits all off at MCB’s for now but consumer unit is still powered up, gonna keep an eye on it for a few days to see if the fuse goes again, if it does it surely has to be the contactor. I’ve not much experience with contactors to be honest!