Your battery is made up of 20x 4/3a 1.2 volt cells (3.3Ah) OR 20x Sub C 1.2 volt cells (2.0Ah) basically what has happened is at least 2 or more of these idividual cells/batteries has gone down and the other 18 say are fully charged and cant charge any more (hence the green lights), however a drop in 2.4 volts due to the (at least) 2 batteries that are no good means the drill now only has 21 volts to opperate which is not enough, making the "battery" seem flat. My advice, but a multimeter £5, open the battery case up, test across the cells individually, I bet my life at least 2 come back with 0 volts. Remove them from the 'pack' buy a replacement cell (try and solder/spot weld the new one back into the pack making 24 volt back up and your drill will work fine. one problem with this tho is you will eventually end up with 20 batteries with mixed age etc. good for a quick fix but ideally your better off just buyin a set of new cells for around £40 ish?? and replacing them all. You can even increase th Ah of your new battery. (all replacements or complete new sets do need to have the same Ah rating as eachother) £40 and a bit of time is a lot cheaper than £150 dont you think????