15 mins to check your rods? Why?
I suppose you want your ra values.
You would have checked them before? Why don't you just plug in a metre into a socket and loop it, then do your rcd tests?
2 mins max. Which leaves you 13 mins dig your metre out.
Maybe in you're world everything is prepared and all you do is push the button, doesn't quite work like that in the real world though!!
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
Which all goes to show, just how little you know about TT systems!!
To measure an earth rod, you need a 3 or 4 lead tester, depending on the make, one lead is attached to the rod, then the other leads are attached to twigs, er sorry probes which are then placed in the ground at given distances from the rod. Any connection's to installation would need to be disconnected.
And is exactly the method i use as i have an open field to the back of my property, so i have the distance to obtain accurate measurements... I'd like to see you hook that little lot up and conduct the tests in 3 mins!! ...lol!!