excellent i totally agree.Thank you Trebor.
Fortunately for me I have 2391 and thankfully, you didn’t assess me!
The regs do state that you make an assessment of the demand and use of the installation, and include a diversity factor, when making that your calculation for maximum demand (311.1 + 313.1)
My argument was purely for domestic properties. If for example your total demand of breakers in the consumer unit was 180A and you added a diversity factor that brought it down to 120A, that is then your maximum demand, but how can you pull that through an 80A fuse?
The other point that you made about the fuse carrier, in my opinion, anyone who is not prepared to pull out the main fuse and open it up to see what the fuse rating is should not be testing. First, you do not guess what is in the carrier. Second, how do you know the tails are the correct size for the fuse? And finally, you must have safe isolation of the system you are working on to comply with the Electricity at work regs (reg 13)