G'd Evening Lads an' Lasses,
I've got a Megger 1730 MFT; lovely bit of kit normally. Ex-demo - not had a hard life and was calibrated about eight weeks ago. I normally run it over a Cal-Card and a captive test RCD about once a month and this time it failed to trip the 30ma RCD on 1x, 5x and ramp. Tested all the RCD's in the house - same result. Reset everything to default - same result.
Has anyone seen anything like this? Really appreciate your thoughts. just started out on my own so the timing is ERR...unfortunate if it's terminal.
I've got a Megger 1730 MFT; lovely bit of kit normally. Ex-demo - not had a hard life and was calibrated about eight weeks ago. I normally run it over a Cal-Card and a captive test RCD about once a month and this time it failed to trip the 30ma RCD on 1x, 5x and ramp. Tested all the RCD's in the house - same result. Reset everything to default - same result.
Has anyone seen anything like this? Really appreciate your thoughts. just started out on my own so the timing is ERR...unfortunate if it's terminal.