Ok well it's obvious your a determined chap. Here is IMO what you need to do.
Regs 522.6.5 and 522.6.6 if your cable for any circuit that is not currently RCD or RCBO protected comes within these regs scope you will need to protect them with one of these type of protection devices.
Reg 701.411.3.3 tells you that for circuits in location containing a bath or shower need to be RCD or RCBO protected.
So you now have a choice is that board your going to move give you the protection that is required by the new regs.
1. You can put all your circuits on just one RCD, you may have to fit a larger RCD than the one you have now it depends on your loading. If you do this then as for Reg 314.1 may come into play. As by fitting all your circuits on just 1 RCD, if you have a fault you will trip the whole house.
2. You could keep the existing circuits on that RCD and then put the remaining circuits onto RCBO's. That would be my choice.
3. You could go down the road of buying a new split board which may work out cheaper than option 2.
All this is the call of the electrician or you.
Bonding Regs 544 cover this and in Table 54.8 give the sizes. So any new work, alteration, or addition to an installation if the bonding does not come up to the current regs it should be change. As your moving your CU and changing the protection of the existing circuits then it comes under alteration.
Certification on Pg 332 it shows you an Electrical Installtion Certificate on the right hand side of that certificate you will see a box for "Alteration to an existing installation". as that is what your doing you will therefore need to complete one of these, as well as a schedule of inspections Pg 340 and results Pg 341.
Here is the fun part. Changing or moving a CU and changing the Protection devices come under Part P. You therefore have the option of contacting the LABC in your area to notify this and get a warrant. The other alternatives are you can get an electrcian in. If he is not part of a competant persons scheme then he can notify the LABC for you. If he is part of a competant person scheme he will do everything and you have no worry about contacting the LABC as he will be able to self certify. Be aware if you use notification by means of you or an electrcian it's your responsibilty to inform the LABC