Hello everyone,
I just bought a 29 years old property and the contractor is suggesting that we need to rewired the whole house and strip the bathroom and kitchen down completely.
CU upgrade.
Mains powered smoke, heat alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors. Uprgade Earth bonding to gas & water. Wire loft for electricity and lighting.
Change all sockets and light switches, installing several double switched sockets around & 2 outside sockets. Install 2 extractor fans in bathroom. Replace bathroom spots with new LED. Install LED downlights and decorative light fixtures in the living room/bedroom. Only LED lights to be installed around the house. Motion sensor light outside, hallway and kitchen.
Install 3 Phone points & CAT 6 points in living room. 2 in garage, 1 in hall way. Install 3 TV point in living room, 1 in garage and upstairs bedrooms. Install zoned thermostat
From the attached a copy of the EICR, do you think the house needs a full rewire?
Also, I'll like to know if all the work above can be done without a full rewire?
Finally, is it possible for the rest of the house to be rewired and then the kitchen and bathroom can be done in a year or 2 when I have enough money to refurbish them?
Please note that the bathroom has an electric shower.
I look forward to your responses and expert advice.
Thank you
I just bought a 29 years old property and the contractor is suggesting that we need to rewired the whole house and strip the bathroom and kitchen down completely.
CU upgrade.
Mains powered smoke, heat alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors. Uprgade Earth bonding to gas & water. Wire loft for electricity and lighting.
Change all sockets and light switches, installing several double switched sockets around & 2 outside sockets. Install 2 extractor fans in bathroom. Replace bathroom spots with new LED. Install LED downlights and decorative light fixtures in the living room/bedroom. Only LED lights to be installed around the house. Motion sensor light outside, hallway and kitchen.
Install 3 Phone points & CAT 6 points in living room. 2 in garage, 1 in hall way. Install 3 TV point in living room, 1 in garage and upstairs bedrooms. Install zoned thermostat
From the attached a copy of the EICR, do you think the house needs a full rewire?
Also, I'll like to know if all the work above can be done without a full rewire?
Finally, is it possible for the rest of the house to be rewired and then the kitchen and bathroom can be done in a year or 2 when I have enough money to refurbish them?
Please note that the bathroom has an electric shower.
I look forward to your responses and expert advice.
Thank you