Being newly qualified etc I did my first PV survey and notice that the rafters are rather narrow for the roof brackets that I have. The rafters are about 1 1/2 inches wide and there's no way I can use the roof hooks with them as it clearly won't meet building regs. (unless I'm wrong??)
I'm getting a structural engineer in to do the calcs for loadings etc. but I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how to widen the rafters to take the hooks, and be within regs? I could bolt timber to the sides of the rafters, but are there any rules/regs about drilling holes in rafters to add timber alongside? Also, I what size timber should I use...length/width?
I know the rules about drilling/notching joists, but not rafters.
Anyone got any suggestions? And thanks for constructive advice. I'm trying to do it properly!
Being newly qualified etc I did my first PV survey and notice that the rafters are rather narrow for the roof brackets that I have. The rafters are about 1 1/2 inches wide and there's no way I can use the roof hooks with them as it clearly won't meet building regs. (unless I'm wrong??)
I'm getting a structural engineer in to do the calcs for loadings etc. but I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how to widen the rafters to take the hooks, and be within regs? I could bolt timber to the sides of the rafters, but are there any rules/regs about drilling holes in rafters to add timber alongside? Also, I what size timber should I use...length/width?
I know the rules about drilling/notching joists, but not rafters.
Anyone got any suggestions? And thanks for constructive advice. I'm trying to do it properly!