National service is not the answer. As Shakey has said, the common denominator is when we joined we did so
willingly and voluntarily, we had the chance to get out but we stayed in. i probably would of still been in if it wasn't for a WAFU brill cream boy who ran me over with a landrover
Can you imagine a modern day street fecker with no morals or sense being given a bayonet and told to kill someone but by the way he also has a bigger knife and will kill you if he gets a chance. Most of these little feckers would cr*p there pants if put in a war zone and i for one would not want to be with them.
The problem lies with modern day society and government. We nurture a mamba pamby bunch of political correct quangos who are not looking after the interests of the people that they are responsible for. How can a government justify giving 1 million pounds to a third world country for mosquito nets when there is a 13 year old girl living rough somewhere because she has been sexually abused and is frightened to go home.
The sad thing is, it will not change. We as a nation have always done as we are told, paid are tax's and have followed the rules. We in part nurtured this culture because we did not correct it when it started.
There is a answer
Spark-Doctors Manifesto.
1) Give the country the right to a vote on the European union. Politicians are supposed to work for us, we pay there wages for gods sake.
2) Set realistic immigration levels.
3) Invest in more skills training. If the little fecker does not take the position take away all there benefits and give better tax breaks to employers who take them on.
4) Make parents accountable for their children.
5) Build more prisons and borstals and make them a place where they would not want to go back to ( something along the lines of a military prison). Believe me you would not want to go back to one of these.
6) Give more power to local authority's. Decisions can be controlled better suited to a local community's than through a bunch of quangos in London.
There is more but i have to go back to work now.
Almost forgot
7) Make it law that painters and decorators are "not a trade".
8) 10% tax discount for members of a competent persons scheme.