Anyone heard about this new requirement that you need a level 3 qual to join a part p scheme from July 2011?
Surely this would wipe out alot of current members and new applicants?.......meaning more and more houses are not going to be signed off under part p, as I doubt many sparks are going to down tools for a couple of years and get a evening job stacking shelves whilst they try to gain a qualification that says the can do what they have been doing for the past 10/20/30/40/50 years!
Anyone else have any info on this?
Surely this would wipe out alot of current members and new applicants?.......meaning more and more houses are not going to be signed off under part p, as I doubt many sparks are going to down tools for a couple of years and get a evening job stacking shelves whilst they try to gain a qualification that says the can do what they have been doing for the past 10/20/30/40/50 years!
Anyone else have any info on this?