Feel free to PM me if i can be of any help.
I am in NZ now working as a sparky, been here over four years now, coming here with 16-17trs UK experience with me. Things are similar and yet different here that's for sure, i find wiring very poor especially in domestic houses compared to home and general installations seem much poorer in quality etc, and its almost like there sparkies aren't trained to such a high level and much work here needs "inspecting" by an inspector whereas same work in UK would be part and parcel of being a saprk. So it does feel a little less skilled at times (no offence my kiwi friends). But on the plus side i like the legal requirement to have a license etc although jumping through hoops to get a license coming from UK is a pain thats for sure, but its a good system that keeps some dodgy work out of the way.
There safety regs are less strict, such as earthing, sockets and switches in bathroom are normal, and sometimes i do think "blimey is that safe!?" But its how things differ.
In terms of NZ itself, well to be honest i love the country, the people.. BUT i am actually coming back to UK next year. I find finances a nightmare here (low earnings plus high cost living) and struggle to make ends meet at times, and i also find NZ very isolated, you often feel the rest of the world is carrying on without NZ. But hey its just my opinion, i genuinely love the country etc i just cant make it work for me..
PM if need any help