Ive been asked to fit extra socket to an existing ring circuit. was planning on fitting surface box and rcd protected socket.
As i was looking around the house noticed gas and water were not bonded to MET.
I advised customer and warned him about the dangers and gave them a written price to fit 16mm earth to the incoming supplies.
Anyway, they said they couldnt afford it and that they just want socket.
Regs say you need to be sure existing installation is safe before any works is carried out, does this mean i cant fit the extra socket
hey said they only wanted extra socket and bonding
As i was looking around the house noticed gas and water were not bonded to MET.
I advised customer and warned him about the dangers and gave them a written price to fit 16mm earth to the incoming supplies.
Anyway, they said they couldnt afford it and that they just want socket.
Regs say you need to be sure existing installation is safe before any works is carried out, does this mean i cant fit the extra socket
hey said they only wanted extra socket and bonding