feel sry for u feller,,,maybe we should take a leaf out of the egyptians book and get this goverment out,,,,,last big job i was on nearly all workers from eastern europe ,,,
Mate....you're kind of missing the point here.
This government has had nothing to do with the situation the OP is in - the lack of help for mortgage payers while unemployed is a LABOUR initiative, designed and implemented by Gordon Brown. Hi is/was a die hard believer in state control of everything, and his policies sooner or later, would have led us right into the situation Russia is still trying to recover from.
Even in the UK we have examples of "central" heating on estates, where the heating supply comes from a communal point into houses and flats, and never works properly.
Where the fault lies is with the banks - the same banks that Gordon Brown gave all the power to which allows them to do what they are today. What he did in giving the banks the power they have today is something nobody should ever forgive him for, whatever their politics. He took this country, and sold it out in every way possible - to the banks, to Europe, to America (which is already bankrupt - so much so that they're now trying to annexe Canada quietly to sell off its reserves for their own gain).
THIS government is crippled before it starts.
To be fair, we have the tory element sitting there saying "we've got to do this, this and that to get this country back on its feet", and the liberal element saying "but what about the people...will nobody care about the people?"
That a$$hole Clegg is only there for the popularity vote - he cares ONLY about looking good. At least Cameron has the balls to try to make the changes needed, for the most part.
The fundamental problem underlying ALL of this is that the Bank of England is not under government control any longer, only superficially, and the big four can all make their own rules - which they have been for years now, with impunity, knowing fine that they cannot be reigned in.
You saw the same news I have recently "Bank pi$$ed off that Cameron has clobbered them another ÂŁ2Bn" - so WHAT - they owe us a damn sight more than that. To be honest, they should take the lot off them and start again. That's FOR the people.
We need simply to get out of Europe, to get out of NATO, to get out of all the big boy's clubs and do what Japan did after WW2 - shut the damn doors, fix our own house, and start again proud and proper. Tell me why it is that 12p in every pound I earn goes into some German's pocket -I don't live in Germany, I don't drive a German car, I don't eat German food. I don't employ German workers.
If I did, I would pay GERMAN government taxes for the privilege. Same with France, Spain, Greece, and anywhere else in the so called Union - we spent too long paying in and getting nothing back. We've been paying ever since Maggie had the nous to stand up and tell them where to poke the ERM, and we should never have signed up in '73 when we did to the EEC. We can still sell to them without all that.
Maybe I'm just getting old - but tell me why it is that the taxes I pay should help some fat muppet in Brussels get even fatter, while my fellow countrymen cannot even afford to feed themselves day to day. There's something far wrong in that, when we can't see the benefits we're getting back for what we pay.
I'll give you an example - ÂŁ150M in fines from the Eurocrap to our councils.....a HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION - or almost THREE QUID for every single person in the UK. What? What have we had from Europe to justify that? Yet.....they're paying it, all the while collecting less and less rubbish from the doorsteps we pay them thousands each to collect. All the while colluding in reducing our police forces. All the while reducing the roles our fire services deal with. All the while saying they can't maintain decent housing stock for the people that can't afford their own homes.
I have no problem at all paying 40p in the pound in taxes. I have a BIG problem paying it when I know that less than 10p of that tax money is actually benefiting UK citizens.
Now, and this is very probably controversial, and will no doubt raise the odd "unionised" eye here and there - but if ever unions had a place in the work force, in the UK - it would be in pushing the government to put money in the RIGHT places - not in demanding more and more money from employers who don't have it (not the ones who do - I understand that).
Until we have a government which truly puts the UK first, over Europe, over "special relationships" with bankrupt countries who just happen to speak the same "language" we do...ish.......we'll get nowhere. You guys, me, every one of us paying taxes, are paying for all those things first, and our own country last.
/Rant off (for the moment).