hi all just a quick one. My sister is currently in the process of moving house and the solicitors have asked to see an EIC for an orangery she had built back in 2013. I carried out the electrical work for her at the time, and it was pretty standard stuff. Four double sockets and a light, the light was fed via an unswitched fused spur at low level from. The unswitched fused spur and four double sockets were all fed of the existing ring final circuit within the house. On completion i issued a Minor Works Certificate, she has had to present this to the solicitor but they are saying it needs to be an EIC which i believe is wrong.
As far as im aware the work i did was not notifiable work, of course it still needed to be tested which it was. I know that Part P has recently changed with regards to what is and isnt notifiable. Any ideas as to whether the work i carried out back then was notifiable or not. The build was all signed off by LABC and my sister still has the copy of the MWC i issued. Im just trying to arm myself with the right information as ive told her i will speak to her solicitors if needs be.
As far as im aware the work i did was not notifiable work, of course it still needed to be tested which it was. I know that Part P has recently changed with regards to what is and isnt notifiable. Any ideas as to whether the work i carried out back then was notifiable or not. The build was all signed off by LABC and my sister still has the copy of the MWC i issued. Im just trying to arm myself with the right information as ive told her i will speak to her solicitors if needs be.