Is it OK to install NYM cables for domestic use?
DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) installations are usually wired with 5 core cables.
Usually 5 core NYM cables are used, e.g. see p11 of
A voltimum entry from 2007 finds NYM installations acceptable, at least in principle.
Subcategory - 1. MV & LV Cables & Accessories - Voltimum UK - Electrical Installation Products and Contracting
Is this view still acceptable today?
DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) installations are usually wired with 5 core cables.
Usually 5 core NYM cables are used, e.g. see p11 of
A voltimum entry from 2007 finds NYM installations acceptable, at least in principle.
Subcategory - 1. MV & LV Cables & Accessories - Voltimum UK - Electrical Installation Products and Contracting
Is this view still acceptable today?