Dont get wound up if you read my post about the jobsworth who was hostile the minute I walked in the door I said look I dont get paid enough to take that from you and I refuse to get caught up in a bun fight between you and your boss so I am out of here because your conduct is not acceptable remember you need to find out why they are so hostile with you I had it with a customer years ago and when I walked she phoned to explain that the last spark messed them about so I said well you and your husband need to resolve this because you aint taking it out on me trust me it aint worth it Also put it in writing to them that you and your boy feel that they are being hostile and rude to the both of yous and with these types take a notepad so that when you say do you want a cost for tv cables and they say no then make sure you write this down in front of them so with the date at the yop of the page you can say well I specifically asked you on date and you refused one last thing are they the same with the other trades or are the just angry with the other trades and taking it out on you