Historically it was 110V, and we often call things in that voltage range '110V' simply to distinguish them from '240V' range, rather than to precisely state the voltage.
But I think the OP is talking about the 'high leg' aka 'wild leg'.
A normal US domestic supply is split phase, 120-0-120, i.e two hots 120V from neutral, 240V apart. Lights and normal sockets run from hot to neutral at 120V, heavier loads like tumble driers and air conditioning at 240V between the hots at 240V. On its own this system is single-phase, not two phases out of three, and may be supplied from a single-phase substation transformer. But you can make a 3-phase 240V delta supply out of it, by adding one more wire that is 208V from neutral, at 60° phase angle.
The high leg can be supplied from a separate single-phase transformer, making an open-delta edge-grounded supply, in which all single-phase load is on the 120/240, and only 3-phase loads use the (lower capacity) high leg. Or, if there is a lot of 3-phase load, a conventional closed-delta supply using a 3-phase transformer can be provided. The high leg is colour coded orange. Funny stories are told of situations where this gets connected to single-phase loads in place of one of the two hots that are 120V from neutral.
The domestic / light commercial customer who wants to run a 3-phase lathe in his garage, gets the high leg in addition to his existing 120-0-120, and presto he's got 3-phase.
The system cannot supply a 240V star load though, because the neutral is not at what would be the star point; it's halfway along one of the 240V windings. In any case the star voltage would be 139V.
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