<< I think we should do more than simply "let the market decide".>>
Go on then - what shall we do? On my last quote I got the job because I was £3k less than the next outfit. I know they're not rip-off merchants, but they've got overheads I haven't. I didn't know the pricing I was up against, but my idea of a fair price for the job beat their idea. The buyer did his homework and got what he wanted. The admonition to "get three quotes for a job" has been around since Noah specc'd the ark so anyone who doesn't and takes the first price that comes along pays their money and takes their choice.
So when does the crusade against high prices begin, who are we going to demonstrate against? Who's painting the banners to parade down Whitehall?
It's nice to see such high-minded principles, but what are you actually going to DO to combat this basic feature of commerce?
Go on then - what shall we do? On my last quote I got the job because I was £3k less than the next outfit. I know they're not rip-off merchants, but they've got overheads I haven't. I didn't know the pricing I was up against, but my idea of a fair price for the job beat their idea. The buyer did his homework and got what he wanted. The admonition to "get three quotes for a job" has been around since Noah specc'd the ark so anyone who doesn't and takes the first price that comes along pays their money and takes their choice.
So when does the crusade against high prices begin, who are we going to demonstrate against? Who's painting the banners to parade down Whitehall?
It's nice to see such high-minded principles, but what are you actually going to DO to combat this basic feature of commerce?