Just to let you all know I passed
James, absoultly fab, after ur thread I checked into the part p, and aside from the regs, it more of what we did in 2330 Level 2 [practicle for the chaps who hanv't got electrical qualfications etc e.g kitchen fitters... I see your point about goin strait for 2391, but I think 2392 first, 17th ed...then 2391 do get a bit more sure of myself ...not to sure with inspection & testing etc,I downloaded what seems to be Part P regs, and pionter to that would be gr8, ... saved a bundle, cheerz for thatI would bother wasting your money with part p just buy the onsite book or download all part p regs and just learn...if you have 17th, 2330 no need i reckon..i wasted £700 like a noughnut....focuss on going for 2391
got it... I downloaded the (on-line version) of the Part P regs from the planning Portal/approved document P it's approx 40 pages, I'm goin to check with RIBA books to see if the online version is the same as the one they sell at £15 , i'll also check on above books,gr8 stuff cheerzfrom what i have been told the 2392 is a waste as well.again just stuff you would of done in 2330....get some on site experience if poss with a compentant person and read up..... books to buy...practical guide to inspection, testing and certification of electrical instalations by christopher kitcher 2nd edition.
Also Inspection testing and certification by Brian Scassan(17th ver, yellow and white book)...
obviously 17thedition bs7671 and OSG..
and The IEE electricians guide to the building regulations updated to 17th......all good must books
Reply to the thread, titled "Passed My First NICEIC Domestic Installers Assessment" which is posted in Domestic Electrician Forum on Electricians Forums.