I deliver this course, and can give you a few pointers, and tips for success.
Firstly, spend about 3 or 4 hours going over Parts 1,2 and 3, then get hold of some practice papers, and do questions 1 to about 18 or 19. Because the exam questions follow the layout of the book, the first questions will be from parts 1,2 and 3. This will get you used to finding your way around a small part if the book. Next spend about 4 or 5 hours just on Part 4, protection. You will get 15 or 16 questions on part 4, make sure you know your stuff on additional protection, reg 415.1.1 in particular, then try questions 20 to 35 ish. Part 5 selection and erection, this is where you will start to get heavily involved in the appendices, you will have ventured there in the other parts, but it gets major in part 5 and straight from the off. Again 5 or 6 hours on part 5, get used to jumping back and forth into and out of the appendices, then attempt questions 36 to 50. Finally spend 3 or 4 hours on parts 6,7 and the appendices, as these parts are quite well laid out and easy to navigate around, try the last few questions. If you are happy, then try a full dress rehearsal with a different practice paper. Good luck.
Before you decide to spend the national debt on books etc, and use up all your time, i would make sure you can find a centre which will let you take the exam without doing the course, most won't, including where i work.