Yes, we all know it is In-Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment now...
We are thinking of sending our technician on a course to get some formal accreditation in this. We have a Seaward 100 (that our now-retired technician used at our previous place), and they can work their way through our own equipment, IEC cables, etc, to build up an up-to-date inventory and of course to know it is all looking generally OK. so its really.
Anyone got suggestions for the good/bad/ugly in terms of such courses running in Scotland?
We are thinking of sending our technician on a course to get some formal accreditation in this. We have a Seaward 100 (that our now-retired technician used at our previous place), and they can work their way through our own equipment, IEC cables, etc, to build up an up-to-date inventory and of course to know it is all looking generally OK. so its really.
Anyone got suggestions for the good/bad/ugly in terms of such courses running in Scotland?