Hi All
After a bit of help here, have been asked by a friend to go PAT all their company computers/printers etc and wondered if anyone has a standard disclaimer they get the customer to sign before undertaking the work??
Thanks in advance
Our terms and conditions on PAT testing basically state:
Customer's responsibility to:
Back up all data
Ensure device to be tested is switched off in proper manner prior to test
Ensure switch on after test
We further state:
[We] are not responsible for
Loss of Data
Failure of Hard Disks, magnetic media, or solid state media.
Subsequent failure of a device subsequent to testing and signature of customer that device operational again.
In general terms we also state clearly that the test applies to the device ONLY at the time of testing, and is no guarantee that it will continue to be safe to operate in the future (like an MOT test on a car), depending upon use and environment.
It isn't common, but it has been known for less scrupulous customers to use PAT testing as a kind of replacement product policy. That's one of the reasons why we button our customers down, though none of our current customers have ever tried anything like that.
But then, we make it policy to hold our hands up if we screw something up, and we replace immediately. Hammers through unco-operative PCBs notwithstanding.