Does anyone know what is required when testing extension leads with neons or anti-surge protection? Obviously you won't be able to get a satisfactory insulation resistance result with these types of leads. Currently I do a load/earth leakage test and record the earth leakage result. The alternative I suppose is to open up the lead disconnect the neon or other device, do the insulation test, reconnect the offending item and screw the lead back together, but life is too short. In any case, this could be seen as a repair and then I am into a different report form etc.
IT equipment requires infrequent testing (I would test IT stuff at 3 or 4 year intervals and a visual inspection annually) but I reckon it is good practice to fully test the IEC leads supplying this equipment when I do the visual inspection. What do you think folks? Cheers Eddy
IT equipment requires infrequent testing (I would test IT stuff at 3 or 4 year intervals and a visual inspection annually) but I reckon it is good practice to fully test the IEC leads supplying this equipment when I do the visual inspection. What do you think folks? Cheers Eddy