Carried out a refurb on a posh house in Kensington, client calls to advise having an issue with some lights in a hallway, we attend to find a faulty dimmer module, rated upto 400w, single mod so no derating and mod suited for lamp type and 120w load, fit a replacement mod and starts having a meltdown again that evening, NO RCD/MCB tripping, attend again all cabling double checked visually all fine and another module fitted. further investigation into what is going on here when looking at the pendants the client supplied had found a fault on the fitting with some choice wiring,
Any ideas why the RCD/MCB did not trigger and burnt out the dimmer mod, Wired on a two way with the dimmer at the end of the strapper
All RCD tests rechecked and operate fine
Any ideas why the RCD/MCB did not trigger and burnt out the dimmer mod, Wired on a two way with the dimmer at the end of the strapper
All RCD tests rechecked and operate fine