PFC is the generic terminology used for Prospective fault current, whether it is PEFC or PSCC.
It then breaks down as thus
PEFC. Prospective Earth Fault Current. A fault between a LIVE conductor and EARTH. A LIVE conductor can be a LINE or NEUTRAL conductor.
PSCC. Prospective Short Circuit Current. A fault between LIVE conductors. The highest current will flow in a fault between all 3 LINE conductors.
Although some test instruments can test between LIVE conductors, it is generally not acceptable as safe practice, so you would test between each LINE conductor and EARTH, and take the highest test result and double it as this errs on the side of caution, and record this value as your PFC result.
If your tester can't do a LINE to LINE test, and you try it, you may well end up with bits of plastic in your face or worse, and you wont be laughing about it in the pub, your local A&E wont think you are funny either, but the local undertaker may be thankful for your business.
Hope that clears things up a bit, and as said by someone else, the terminology is very important.