got asked to check a phone extension that was wired from a master socket , I had a quick look as a favour (no charge was already there doing some lights) and saw nothing wrong , the chap had this line fitted to his study for a fax and had worked fine for months but he started to get probs with his broadband , checked the teminations and couldnt find a problem , so took the router to the extension and tried it there and got it working ? but his phone line would then only ring in not dial out? I put it back to how I found it and told him to contact BT . They sent 2 enginers in two seperate tansit vans , they said the conections on the extension were crossed ( fairly sure they were not ) and that this had caused the fault , told him that this had damaged his router which WILL definitely have damaged his PC , charged him ÂŁ180 for 1 hour two men and told him he has to buy a new router . He is mad at me for not spotting this fault and says I made it worse?? I think he has been taken for a ride by BT . He has even gone out and bought a new PC ?? Would like your thoughts on this ,