This is the problem unfortunatly, commercially ( exception of shops ) clients care about the regs being met and seek someone who can do a good job even if they may not always be the cheapest
Domesticly its a different kettle of fish, all they care about is that figure at the bottom of the estimate, they dont care about quality, its purely the cheapest person will get it, if someone offered to rewire a semi for £90 then mrs jones down the road would snap their hand off, and would assume she was getting the same job as someone whos quoted £1700. this is the nature of the beast and joe public is always searching for a bargain which is why although I dont mind house bashing there is no money to be made there at the moment if you are doing things how they should be done and not being a cowboy
I priced a rewire the other week, fella says to me look i need it as cheap as possible i can pay cash if that helps - told him it needs certifying so labc informed and that cash is more expensive to deposit than cheques etc, did him a quote to the bones making hardly anything on it and didnt hear anything from it, god knows what the fella who got it priced it at, hed prob have just changed the board socket and switch fronts and left the cable as it was
(and yes unbelevably I have come accross houses where this has been done )
Domesticly its a different kettle of fish, all they care about is that figure at the bottom of the estimate, they dont care about quality, its purely the cheapest person will get it, if someone offered to rewire a semi for £90 then mrs jones down the road would snap their hand off, and would assume she was getting the same job as someone whos quoted £1700. this is the nature of the beast and joe public is always searching for a bargain which is why although I dont mind house bashing there is no money to be made there at the moment if you are doing things how they should be done and not being a cowboy
I priced a rewire the other week, fella says to me look i need it as cheap as possible i can pay cash if that helps - told him it needs certifying so labc informed and that cash is more expensive to deposit than cheques etc, did him a quote to the bones making hardly anything on it and didnt hear anything from it, god knows what the fella who got it priced it at, hed prob have just changed the board socket and switch fronts and left the cable as it was
(and yes unbelevably I have come accross houses where this has been done )