Carried out a PIR today on a property that was 9 years old and I found 2 or 3 things that I am not sure on what code to give them, they are as follows.
1 SWA going to garage is fed straight into the back of the consumer unit in the house and the armoring is not glanded but has been earth sleeved and terminated in the earth bar of the consumer unit (SWA is a 2 core). I think Rec Code 2.
2 Main electric board fuse is 60 amps and the tails are running about 6m to the consumer unit, the tails are 16mm on a tncs system but there is a DP isolator in the meter cab. I think this is ok but not 100% sure.
3 Main earth cable from the electric boards cut out to the consumer unit is 10mm not 16mm, I think this is Rec Code 4 as I think that this was ok at time of installation.
4 There are no fire hoods fitted over LV spot lights but they are not to close to joists and are not smothered by insulation, I don't think that this requires a coding but a note is worth putting on the PIR.
Can anyone verify or rectify my feelings on the above please so I can complete the PIR for my customer.
Many Thanks.
1 SWA going to garage is fed straight into the back of the consumer unit in the house and the armoring is not glanded but has been earth sleeved and terminated in the earth bar of the consumer unit (SWA is a 2 core). I think Rec Code 2.
2 Main electric board fuse is 60 amps and the tails are running about 6m to the consumer unit, the tails are 16mm on a tncs system but there is a DP isolator in the meter cab. I think this is ok but not 100% sure.
3 Main earth cable from the electric boards cut out to the consumer unit is 10mm not 16mm, I think this is Rec Code 4 as I think that this was ok at time of installation.
4 There are no fire hoods fitted over LV spot lights but they are not to close to joists and are not smothered by insulation, I don't think that this requires a coding but a note is worth putting on the PIR.
Can anyone verify or rectify my feelings on the above please so I can complete the PIR for my customer.
Many Thanks.