Possible New Idea For Forum? | on ElectriciansForums

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Jun 22, 2016
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So, I had a random idea last night about something new on the forum. It is more of a brainstorm at the moment but I wanted to ask you guys about it and see whether you thought it had legs.

So, I was thinking of reviewing hotels that are used by contractors and creating a bit of a review forum.

I wanted to know who books where you stay? How long do you stay away for? What type of accommodation do you stay in?

If it took off we could even contact the chain hotels and see if we could get a discount code or something..

I dont know - It is swirling in my head,

What do you guys think? Please up or down vote the suggestion. Think of it like a poll with two choices. Agree or not agree.
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Definitely an interesting thought, especially as someone who works away all the time - in 2022 I spent NINE MONTHS living in hotels in stints. I'd have thought that most of the sparks on here who work away probably get booked into the two staples of UK rooms - either Premier Inn (nothing Premier about those anymore!) or Travel Slodge so in that sense it might be a bit limiting. There's the occasional pub B&B, too.

However..... what we've done now for years in the touring industry is shared (via a particular planning app that is universal to us all) a list of places to eat, drink etc which are close to places for when you're staying over somewhere and don't fancy the dodgy carpet and screaming kids in the Scabby Horse that's attached to your cheap (UK) hotel.
We have to book through a booking agency called 'Click Travel'. Normally end up at either Premiers or Best Western. Premier inn have started to go down hil, especially the food.
We have to book through a booking agency called 'Click Travel'. Normally end up at either Premiers or Best Western. Premier inn have started to go down hil, especially the food.
Thanks for the information @Moley

How many days a year would you say you are away for?
I'm away most weeks. Usually from Sunday to Friday. Things do get quiet towards end October to January.
Thanks for replying, I know in some areas Councils use some hotels and b and bs to temporary house homeless people. Have you every experienced this or had any problems?
Thanks for replying, I know in some areas Councils use some hotels and b and bs to temporary house homeless people. Have you every experienced this or had any problems?
I have. When all you want/need to do is be asleep, and there's people banging on doors down your corridor for a domestic at 3am...
I haven't but I work with guys who have.
If ever you book a hotel room try and get a top floor room. I don't know why but whenever I get a lower floor I always get what sound like a herd of elephants tap dancing in the room above me.
So like Trip Advisor but for trades?

You could be onto something, I can visualize it.

[ElectriciansForums.net] Possible New Idea For Forum?
I haven't but I work with guys who have.
If ever you book a hotel room try and get a top floor room. I don't know why but whenever I get a lower floor I always get what sound like a herd of elephants tap dancing in the room above me.
Totally! Top floor, end of corridor, non road side! In fairness, a proper big hotel doesn't make that much difference to road-side as the soundproofing is normally pretty good. There's a risk, though, in this in summer time that you end up in a room that's scalding hot and stuffy so keep your wits and don't ever be afraid to demand a room change!
Having recently had a couple of overnight stays I can agree with the above comments about Premier Bin having gone somewhat downhill.

I was pleasantly surprised by Ibis though, I remember them being a bit crap years ago but the one in Brighton last week was really good, it did look pretty new though.
I am normally in a travel lodge or prem. inn
the standards can be quite different depending on where in the country you are.

I normally have a few pints in the bar and find the noise doesn't bother me!!
in the summer A/C is a must for me though.

And of course if my hotel is awful, then I have to spend the night grumbling to myself about it because I book my own hotels.
Better still where to eat good food near jobs in places you dont know ? !!
Thanks for all the intel guys! I am not quite sure in the logistics of it yet..it's a tiny acorn of an idea. But would it be something that would be useful?

Last night I started with a sore throat and eyeache headache. This morning I've got swollen tonsils that are hurting and have white spots, so it's off to the GP later for me.
Currently in a hotel room as I type, and as the background noise dulls down for the night realising I can hear this very obvious buzzing noise from the in-room consumer unit. It’s padlocked shut but my bet is that it’s contactor coil buzz from the keycard switch. And it’s feckin’ annoying!!!
Oh dear that is not a good sign!! Did you manage to get a good night sleep?
By integrating these components and mechanisms, the system can potentially generate a pulling effect using plasma and microwaves while also recapturing energy to sustain itself.

To design a system where the plasma and microwaves can create a pulling effect and potentially charge themselves, we can consider the following approach:

### Components and Design:

1. Power Source and Management:
- Internal Power Source: Rechargeable lithium-ion battery.
- Power Management Circuit: To regulate and optimize power delivery.

2. Wireless Power Transfer and Microwave Generation:
- Receiver Coil: Embedded within the hilt for inductive power transfer.
- Miniature Magnetron: Generates microwaves to create and sustain the plasma.

3. Plasma Generation and Control:
- Plasma Chamber: Contains the plasma with electrodes for ionization.
- RF Oscillator: To stabilize the plasma and enhance its properties.

4. Pulling Effect and Self-Charging:
- Second RF Signal: Creates interference patterns to induce a pulling effect.
- Energy Recapture Mechanism: Uses the interaction of microwaves and plasma to generate feedback energy.

### Detailed Design Steps:

1. Internal Power Source and Management:
- Battery Pack: High-capacity lithium-ion battery (e.g., 12V, 3000mAh).
- Power Management Circuit: Ensures stable power supply to all components.

2. Wireless Power Transfer and Microwave Generation:
- Receiver Coil: Designed for resonant inductive coupling.
- Miniature Magnetron: Converts received power into microwaves.

3. Plasma Generation:
- Plasma Chamber: Compact and robust, containing electrodes for ionization.
- Gas Supply: A noble gas like argon or neon for stable plasma.( magnetron holds electrical plasma)

4. Pulling Effect with Secondary RF Signal:
- RF Oscillator: Generates a second RF signal to create constructive and destructive interference patterns within the plasma.
- Energy Recapture: Design the plasma and microwave interaction to produce feedback energy that can be harnessed and fed back into the system.

### Energy Recapture Mechanism:

To achieve a self-charging effect, we can use a method similar to energy harvesting where the interaction of microwaves and plasma generates additional electrical energy. Here's how:

1. Electromagnetic Induction:
- Place a secondary coil near the plasma chamber to capture induced electromagnetic waves.
- The induced current in the secondary coil can be fed back into the power management circuit.

2. Plasma-Microwave Interaction:
- Design the plasma chamber to maximize the interaction between microwaves and plasma.
- Utilize this interaction to generate additional energy in the form of heat or electromagnetic waves.

3. Feedback Loop:
- Integrate a feedback loop that captures the additional energy and converts it back into electrical power.
- Use this power to sustain the system, reducing the load on the primary battery.

### Formulas and Calculations:

1. Inductive Power Transfer:
- Resonant Frequency (\(f_r\)): \( f_r = \frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{LC}} \)
- L: Inductance of the coil
- C: Capacitance of the system

2. Plasma Frequency (\(f_p\)):
- \( f_p = \sqrt{\frac{n e^2}{m \epsilon_0}} \)
- n: Plasma density
- e: Electron charge
- m: Electron mass
- \(\epsilon_0\): Permittivity of free space

3. Energy Recapture:
- Induced Voltage (V): \( V = -N \frac{d\Phi}{dt} \)
- N: Number of turns in the secondary coil
- \(\Phi\): Magnetic flux
- t: Time

### Blueprint Overview:

1. Hilt Design:
- Lower Section: Contains the battery pack and power management circuit.
- Central Section: Houses the receiver coil, miniature magnetron, and plasma chamber.
- Upper Section: Contains electrodes and the RF oscillator.

2. Component Layout:
- Battery Pack: Positioned for balance and stability.
- Power Management Circuit: Ensures efficient power distribution.
- Receiver Coil: Embedded within the central section for inductive power transfer.
- Plasma Chamber: Centralized with integrated electrodes and gas supply. ,,maybe
- Secondary RF Oscillator and Coil: Positioned near the plasma chamber for energy recapture.

### Safety Considerations:

  • Shielding: Proper shielding for magnetron and RF components to protect the user.
  • Cooling: Adequate cooling systems to prevent overheating.
  • Power Management: Ensure stable and controlled power supply to prevent surges.

By integrating these components and mechanisms, the system can potentially generate a pulling effect using plasma and microwaves while also recapturing energy to sustain itself.
I'd like to patent it and make it smaller , are you interested in helping , I'm transit backpacking , looking to be less homeless

Hopefully to be branched off like a power bar.
By integrating these components and mechanisms, the system can potentially generate a pulling effect using plasma and microwaves while also recapturing energy to sustain itself.

To design a system where the plasma and microwaves can create a pulling effect and potentially charge themselves, we can consider the following approach:

### Components and Design:

1. Power Source and Management:
- Internal Power Source: Rechargeable lithium-ion battery.
- Power Management Circuit: To regulate and optimize power delivery.

2. Wireless Power Transfer and Microwave Generation:
- Receiver Coil: Embedded within the hilt for inductive power transfer.
- Miniature Magnetron: Generates microwaves to create and sustain the plasma.

3. Plasma Generation and Control:
- Plasma Chamber: Contains the plasma with electrodes for ionization.
- RF Oscillator: To stabilize the plasma and enhance its properties.

4. Pulling Effect and Self-Charging:
- Second RF Signal: Creates interference patterns to induce a pulling effect.
- Energy Recapture Mechanism: Uses the interaction of microwaves and plasma to generate feedback energy.

### Detailed Design Steps:

1. Internal Power Source and Management:
- Battery Pack: High-capacity lithium-ion battery (e.g., 12V, 3000mAh).
- Power Management Circuit: Ensures stable power supply to all components.

2. Wireless Power Transfer and Microwave Generation:
- Receiver Coil: Designed for resonant inductive coupling.
- Miniature Magnetron: Converts received power into microwaves.

3. Plasma Generation:
- Plasma Chamber: Compact and robust, containing electrodes for ionization.
- Gas Supply: A noble gas like argon or neon for stable plasma.( magnetron holds electrical plasma)

4. Pulling Effect with Secondary RF Signal:
- RF Oscillator: Generates a second RF signal to create constructive and destructive interference patterns within the plasma.
- Energy Recapture: Design the plasma and microwave interaction to produce feedback energy that can be harnessed and fed back into the system.

### Energy Recapture Mechanism:

To achieve a self-charging effect, we can use a method similar to energy harvesting where the interaction of microwaves and plasma generates additional electrical energy. Here's how:

1. Electromagnetic Induction:
- Place a secondary coil near the plasma chamber to capture induced electromagnetic waves.
- The induced current in the secondary coil can be fed back into the power management circuit.

2. Plasma-Microwave Interaction:
- Design the plasma chamber to maximize the interaction between microwaves and plasma.
- Utilize this interaction to generate additional energy in the form of heat or electromagnetic waves.

3. Feedback Loop:
- Integrate a feedback loop that captures the additional energy and converts it back into electrical power.
- Use this power to sustain the system, reducing the load on the primary battery.

### Formulas and Calculations:

1. Inductive Power Transfer:
- Resonant Frequency (\(f_r\)): \( f_r = \frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{LC}} \)
- L: Inductance of the coil
- C: Capacitance of the system

2. Plasma Frequency (\(f_p\)):
- \( f_p = \sqrt{\frac{n e^2}{m \epsilon_0}} \)
- n: Plasma density
- e: Electron charge
- m: Electron mass
- \(\epsilon_0\): Permittivity of free space

3. Energy Recapture:
- Induced Voltage (V): \( V = -N \frac{d\Phi}{dt} \)
- N: Number of turns in the secondary coil
- \(\Phi\): Magnetic flux
- t: Time

### Blueprint Overview:

1. Hilt Design:
- Lower Section: Contains the battery pack and power management circuit.
- Central Section: Houses the receiver coil, miniature magnetron, and plasma chamber.
- Upper Section: Contains electrodes and the RF oscillator.

2. Component Layout:
- Battery Pack: Positioned for balance and stability.
- Power Management Circuit: Ensures efficient power distribution.
- Receiver Coil: Embedded within the central section for inductive power transfer.
- Plasma Chamber: Centralized with integrated electrodes and gas supply. ,,maybe
- Secondary RF Oscillator and Coil: Positioned near the plasma chamber for energy recapture.

### Safety Considerations:

  • Shielding: Proper shielding for magnetron and RF components to protect the user.
  • Cooling: Adequate cooling systems to prevent overheating.
  • Power Management: Ensure stable and controlled power supply to prevent surges.

By integrating these components and mechanisms, the system can potentially generate a pulling effect using plasma and microwaves while also recapturing energy to sustain itself.
I'd like to patent it and make it smaller , are you interested in helping , I'm transit backpacking , looking to be less homeless

Hopefully to be branched off like a power bar.
Why am I imagining something like this?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJVgfDnjkko

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