This thread has been like a pat on the back conservative voters platform for Tony Blair knockers,so a few truths need stating
He led the party and the government under the banner of the labour party,however, Tony Blair is not and never has been a socialist in my definition
He may have been a liar on the world stage,incompetent and lives a double standard life,but he was a watered down conservative with watered down conservative policies
There has not been a socialist government in all its resplendent glory since Clement Attlee led the country with Nye Bevan pushing through the sincerity of care and help for fellow men that the socialist label should portray
You may argue Labour or Tory and agree or disagree about the niceties,remember both parties are Conservative,its just the depth of depravity of carelessness for their fellow man that divides each of them
For the record the last socialist prime minister (Attlee)was responsible for these changes to which the dog eat dog Tories had no answer and had to grudgingly accept as the best way forward
The government he led built the post-war consensus, based upon the assumption that full employment would be maintained by Keynesian policies and that a greatly enlarged system of social services would be created – aspirations that had been outlined in the wartime Beveridge Report.
Within this context, his government undertook the nationalisation of public utilities and major industries, as well as the creation of the National Health Service. After initial Conservative opposition to Keynesian fiscal policy, this settlement was broadly accepted by all parties for over three decades until Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister in1979.
He led the party and the government under the banner of the labour party,however, Tony Blair is not and never has been a socialist in my definition
He may have been a liar on the world stage,incompetent and lives a double standard life,but he was a watered down conservative with watered down conservative policies
There has not been a socialist government in all its resplendent glory since Clement Attlee led the country with Nye Bevan pushing through the sincerity of care and help for fellow men that the socialist label should portray
You may argue Labour or Tory and agree or disagree about the niceties,remember both parties are Conservative,its just the depth of depravity of carelessness for their fellow man that divides each of them
For the record the last socialist prime minister (Attlee)was responsible for these changes to which the dog eat dog Tories had no answer and had to grudgingly accept as the best way forward
The government he led built the post-war consensus, based upon the assumption that full employment would be maintained by Keynesian policies and that a greatly enlarged system of social services would be created – aspirations that had been outlined in the wartime Beveridge Report.
Within this context, his government undertook the nationalisation of public utilities and major industries, as well as the creation of the National Health Service. After initial Conservative opposition to Keynesian fiscal policy, this settlement was broadly accepted by all parties for over three decades until Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister in1979.