The best tutors are like this. I had one in recent times that was perfect with his fluid maths and knowledge of theory, really knowledgeable guy. He wouldn't pretend to know anything or get stuck in his ways though. If he didn't know an answer he would say " I don't know, but I'll look it up and get back to you next session" Next session would come and he would say " Right, I've done some research, I've also chatted with my mates at the IET and NICEIC and the answer seems to be....."
Every day's a school day, even for the teachers.
Your checking of Ze where others would not is you interpreting and understanding the requirements of 132.16 better than your peers I would say.
Yes that is what he is like too. He admits if he doesn't know anything and I think he enjoys hearing from those who are on the tools as he hasn't for the last 20 years (although I'd say he is only mid 40's)
I think he was generally just intrigued that I was saying I'd test Ze and the others said they wouldn't. Although I'm pretty sure he said he wouldn't (which I guess is concerning)