I've bought a ring wired doorbell and I've run in to a spot of bother trying to install it.
The transformer is above my connection box in the hall cupboard. The chime is through the wall next to my front door. It says to attach the jumper cable to the trans and front terminals none of the terminals are marked or look anything like any of the diagrams I've seen online.
Where should I attach the jumper cable? Someone suggested connecting the two blue wires to each other and doing the same with the brown to bypass the chime but wouldn't that stop power going to the doorbell?
The transformer is above my connection box in the hall cupboard. The chime is through the wall next to my front door. It says to attach the jumper cable to the trans and front terminals none of the terminals are marked or look anything like any of the diagrams I've seen online.
Where should I attach the jumper cable? Someone suggested connecting the two blue wires to each other and doing the same with the brown to bypass the chime but wouldn't that stop power going to the doorbell?
- In the picture shown, where should I attach the jumper cable for my ring doorbell.