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Hi can you refresh my memory!
I am downstream from an RCD, trying to obtain PSCC do not wish to use meter as will trip RCD, can someone remind me of the calculation to obtain PSCC, to complete PFC.
230v, 45.9 ohms on TT stake.
Many thanks
No point using the 45.9 ohm value from the rod. What you need to do is carry out a loop test between L & N which would be a lot lower. Then use this figure to work out the PFC.
No point using the 45.9 ohm value from the rod. What you need to do is carry out a loop test between L & N which would be a lot lower. Then use this figure to work out the PFC.

Hi yes, the problem i have is i do not wish to knock out the RCD which is upstream of the sub board, would it be possible to calculate, the RCD is in main house which i dont have access to, and even if i did surely this test would not be possible as the RCD would trip out?
with most MFTs, the no-trip is 3 lead test and gives you the pefc. seems OP wants pscc, so that should be do-able using 2 leads. the RCD should not react as you are not connecting to E.
Surely to do this you still need access to the RCD to isolate.
hi have access to the fused connection unit, that the supply comes from in utility room, but the lovely.... householder would not allow access into main house, must of thought i was an electrician who is also a burglar ho ho, we cant choose are customers, well we have a bit of lee-way. all done now using R1 + Rn method
Thanks for all the help
Aye, thought she'd be up for a bit of Turkish Delight with her sausage and scrambled.
dead test R1+Rn. then PSCC= 230V/( R1+Rn).

I can't see how that will work, IMO, as the OP will need access to the front end of the cct. So its a guesstimate.

Since you'll need Zline ext. + R1 +Rn of the sub-main and as the OP doesn't have access to either then its going to be a calculated value based on assumptions about the supply cable type, size, length and the same for the sub-main cable.

We're not even sure whether the supply earthing arrangement is TN or TT, only that the far end supply is TT'd so we might struggle to get a reasonable supply voltage off and on load and calculate the resistance from the volt drop at the far end....

I'd just go for the 'drive-by' calculation if I was you.

that is:
Guess one + guess two + Variations in terminal resistances through various in line connections = 0.5 Ohms

This calculation is only for advanced users only - not recommended for the barn stormer
as OP said he had access to switch fuse supplying his installation, i assumed he wanted the pscc for that point.
My suggestion is do the live "no trip" test, or normal one and hope for the best,if it trips knock the door and say can you reset the Rcd please, then resort to other can you do all the other tests you may need to do at the origin of supply?
hi have access to the fused connection unit, that the supply comes from in utility room, but the lovely.... householder would not allow access into main house, must of thought i was an electrician who is also a burglar ho ho, we cant choose are customers, well we have a bit of lee-way. all done now using R1 + Rn method

Ok, so R1+ Rn from the utility room to the outside installation which can be measured.
We still have R1 + Rn from the DB to the Sw Fuse, Zline ext plus a bit for terminal resistances.....

Just a few thoughts

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