The propblem with smart meters as I have been fairly reliably informed is that they have a real time clock memory,now a supplier is obliged by law to physically turn up at a premise once every 12 months,this is not only to read the meter but also to check the safety of it,now these meters not only record amount used but also any power downs that have occurred during that period,this data is transferred to the data terminal when the meter is read.bearing this in mind one way or another they are going to find out,wether they accept it as a legitimate reason for a power down or push for a prosecution is down to them.On a slightly different note I heard of a man who was prosecuted for fiddling his gas meter,It was long suspected that he was fiddling the gas and one day they fitted a new meter,this meter was a lot smaller than the original and not the colour that they normally were.Going completely against advice given he reversed his meter with quote "no problems the gas still goes through" and so it did for several weeks,the meter reader was due so he turned it back round.So far so good right? Wrong! upon reading the digital meter not only did it provide details of the amount of gas used but also the time and date it was reversed,the time and date it was put back the right way,and the amount of gas he had "stolen",that was one very expensive lesson by the time they had finished with him.