calum h
Hi guys,
For my current dissertation project at The University of Strathclyde, I am attempting to build an Excel model which calculates PV output for given direct and diffuse solar radiation levels. I have attached below the calculation steps (within figure and as attachment) that I was taught to use as a student. However, as this material was never examinable I am not 100% sure of how to apply them, or if they are even correct in the first place.

Two specific questions I have at the moment: (1) are all trigonometric calculations performed in degrees rather than radians, and; (2) is the definition of surface azimuth correct?
The Excel model I have developed certainly isn't happy! My typed formula seems fine (after checking countless times), so I thought I better check that the calculation steps are correct.
If someone is able to provide just a small piece of help on this, I would really appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance,
For my current dissertation project at The University of Strathclyde, I am attempting to build an Excel model which calculates PV output for given direct and diffuse solar radiation levels. I have attached below the calculation steps (within figure and as attachment) that I was taught to use as a student. However, as this material was never examinable I am not 100% sure of how to apply them, or if they are even correct in the first place.

Two specific questions I have at the moment: (1) are all trigonometric calculations performed in degrees rather than radians, and; (2) is the definition of surface azimuth correct?
The Excel model I have developed certainly isn't happy! My typed formula seems fine (after checking countless times), so I thought I better check that the calculation steps are correct.
If someone is able to provide just a small piece of help on this, I would really appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance,