I noticed on this thread that our website and goods are a topic for discussion and I thought I should give you some background into Wyeverne Electrical.
I believe I am the third owner of the business since 1948, and coming from a contracting background, I have been able to continue the trusted reputation of the company.
When I first purchased the company in the early 1990s, Wyeverne had ceased carrying out electrical work and was a shop and a service agent for Dimplex. I needed office space as my contracting company was expanding, so having a shop to help with the overheads was ideal.
As my contracting business continued to expand it became apparent how inadequate the wholesale system was, with the main issue being continuity and availability of stock. I decided that the best thing would be for me to hold my own stock to eliminate the breakdown in the supply chain. Obviously as I was holding a greater volume of stock I expected to get a better price, but the wholesalers did not co-operate. This was when I decided I should become a wholesaler myself, but I did not realise how difficult that would be. After a lot of heart ache Great Eastern Trading (GET) opened me an account (Yes, a company that had its product made in the Far East, but just remember, were bought out by Schneider Electric) and Wyeverne has built from there.
As the business grew the same problems reared their head in the distributor supply chain. I started to increase my stocks to compensate and again didn`t receive the discounts you should expect from buying in volume. If anything the prices went up, with the usual excuses of raw material costs, exchange rate, fuel costs etc. I thought `Hold on, something`s not right here`. Then one day when searching on-line, I saw a picture of an MCB that looks just like the ones we were selling. After some enquiries I had some samples sent over and purchased other samples from other companies selling the same product under their brand name in the UK. It all looked good and we started to import ourselves.
By cutting out the distributor from the supply chain we are able to offer the prices that are being discussed on here. If I went to a trade counter and had to hand over £50-£60 for an RCBO I would think, `Well, at least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask!`
I agree with you there.Buying cheap 2nd fix accesories is one thing but you dont want any problems with the board or breakers